Monday, September 19, 2011



My "real" name is Yam Leinahtan (which is really my birth name backwards - should provide a clue to who I actually am) and I'm a Princeton freshman in Japanese 101! I decided to take Japanese because I really enjoy reading manga and watching anime (which are Japanese comics and TV shows, respectively) and I wanted to be able to understand them without having to read subtitles. I really enjoy listening to spoken Japanese and would love to speak it myself. Also, I hope to be able to go on some internships in Japan for my intended concentration, which is ORFE, for which actually learning the language will definitely be a big help. I'm not having a lot of trouble with learning Japanese, but sometimes, remembering which hiragana character corresponds to the sound that I want to make is a little difficult... Oh well, practice makes perfect!



  1. やみさん、あなたの なまえは おかしい です。It's a creative pseudonym!

  2. やみさん, いちばんすきなアニメはなんですか。On another completely off note, it's so cool that you're thinking about ORFE. If I was BSE, I would be an ORFE major. Haha.
